Saturday October 15, 2016 | Viking Cue presents: The Q City 9 Ball Tour Stop | Break Time Billiards - Cary, NC
Posted by Viking Cues on 5th Oct 2016
Saturday - October 15, 2016
Break Time Billiards
6442 Tryton Rd.
Cary, NC 27158
Ph: (919) 615-0107
Doors Open at 11:30AM
Registration Starts at 12PM Noon
Players Auction and Meeting at 1:30PM
Match Play at 2PM
- Point Standings Tour
- Alternate Break
- Rack Your Own
- 9 Ball Break Does not Count
- Push out / 3 Foul Rule
- Call the 9 / No Slop
- Race to Your Handicap
Reminder: The player that finishes 1st in the standings by the end of the year gets a $500 bonus at the Tour Championship. We will also invite the Top 80 Players to compete in the tour's championship with $1000 added at the end of the year.
Cue Raffle
At every tour stop, players can sign up for the cue raffle to win a brand new Viking or Valhalla Cue. All of the Viking Cues we have included to be raffled on this tour come equipped with either the low deflection ViKORE American Performance Shaft featuring our reactive ViKORE® Center and Softouch Dampener® or the VPRO solid maple performance shaft 100% Made in the USA.
How to Enter
Contact Tour Managers Herman & Angela Parker for more information (336) 686-5360
Viking Cues presents: The Q City 9 Ball Tour Facebook Page
Viking Cues Performance Shafts Demo Set
At every tour stop, you can feel the power of a Viking Cue in your hand. We will have all of our renowned performance shafts including the eXactShot, ViKORE, V-PRO, V-SPIN and V-CRUSH shafts.
Our performance shafts are made for every situation on the table when you need it for breaking, jumping, low deflection and English. Viking performance shafts are 100% American Made and handcrafted with precision by our in-house Viking artisans.
Find out more about our revolutionary performance shaft lineup.