"Roll the Rock" - Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque,  Author of Build Your Game!

"Roll the Rock" - Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, Author of Build Your Game!

Posted by Mike Roque, Author of Build Your Game on 29th Nov 2016

Viking Cue's Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, author of "Build Your Game"

Roll The Rock

“It’s easier to judge the length of a cue ball’s roll on a follow shot…” Robert Byrne

When given a choice to draw or follow for position, it is best, in most situations, to choose follow. It is much easier to control the speed and distance with a rolling ball. With a good stroke, a follow shot is effortless, and because your intended shape is in front of you, it is easier to visualize and play position. 

On the other hand, the draw shot requires a more accurate hit on the cue ball. It needs to be accurate on both the horizontal and the vertical planes as any deviation can dramatically change the path of the cue ball. 

On long off–angle cut shots, a follow stroke is the natural choice as it is easy to predict the cue ball path. 

Of course, there will be many shots where draw is the only alternative. Work on it to develop a good feel for judging the speed and make sure you achieve a high level of accuracy on where you contact the cue ball. You must have a good draw shot in your tool bag. 

However, when all is said and done, follow is the more reliable of the two. If you have ball in hand with a choice between those two strokes, take the follow shot.

Draw when you need to. Follow when you can.

- Excerpt from the book "Build Your Game!" by Mike Roque

Get a copy of Build Your Game

Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of the his book "Build Your Game" at the BEBOB Publishing Website at