DEAD AIM - Viking Cues Tip of the Week with Mike Roque author of Build Your Game
Posted by Mike Roque | Viking Cues on 13th Aug 2018
“…my eyes come back for one last quick look at the cue ball.”
-Joe Davis
The best players hit the cue ball exactly where they intend. Although consistent play is dependent on many things, insuring that the tip contacts the cue ball at the intended point is the number one secret for great cue ball control.
Hitting the cue ball exactly where you want not only requires a straight stroke, but a level one as well. It doesn’t do any good to have it all lined up and then accidentally add a half tip of draw because your stick dipped in the delivery!
You’ll also need to focus on the tip placement. As you go through your warm up strokes keep coming back to that spot on the cue ball. Prior to the last backstroke, pause the cue tip on this spot. This is your last chance to check your body alignment in relation to the stroke line, but the main goal here is to see the tip on the cue ball at the spot you want to hit.
Lock in that image, before you take the final backswing, and then shift your eyes to the object ball target. During the final delivery, anticipate the feel and hit of the cue tip moving through that spot.
Consistently hitting the cue ball where you intend is a game changer. Master it and good things start to happen!
Hit the cue ball exactly where you intend.
Love our Tuesday Tip of the Week with Mike Roque, you can purchase your own copy of his book "Build Your Game