Paul and Ellen Drexler, the duo behind pfd Studios, have spent decades honing their craft, earning numerous accolades, including "Cue Maker of the Year" and was Inducted into the American Cuemakers Hall of Fame in April 2023. Their custom cues stand out for both playability and collectability, showcasing exotic woods, intricate inlays, and precise craftsmanship.
Paul F. Drexler and Viking Cues partnered to create a collection of unique and inspirational designs that are constructed to Paul's exacting specifications. These cues represent their shared passion to deliver only the best and further solidify Drexler's legacy as a master cue maker.
“Viking has the talent and know how to ensure the highest of quality and construction. They changed their process to meet my high expectations which shows a commitment that I am proud to be a part of.”
- Paul F. Drexler